

问题 驱动 产品列表 图纸
Q1If customer want to customize the monitor screen logo, what is the spec of the p

Yes, for details, please contact our sales depart.

Q2What should I do if my touch monitor is not functioning?

1. Check the USB cable connection.

2.Turn off then turn on the monitor power again. It should be functioning.

Q3Is there any way to lock the OSD key?

For the most of standard models: Press "Menu+Power" key to open the OSD&power lock menu.

Q4How to deal with Color Distortion?

Step 1: To judge whether the color distortion is partial to certain areas or the whole display area. If the color distortion happens in the whole display area, please go into the OSD menu and Auto Color the touch monitor, and then the problem may be solved. If the color distortion remains, either affecting the whole screen or only certain areas, please go toStep-2;

Step 2: please Use another VGA cable and see whether the problem still persists. If it does, please go to Step-3;

Step 3: please change the A/D Board of the touchmonitor and see whether the problem still persists. If it does, please go toStep-4;

Step 4: please change the LVDS cable of the touchmonitor and see whether the problem still persists. If it does, the problem most likely stems from a fault in the LCD Panel.

Step 5: Change the LCD Panel.

Q5How to deal with Black Lines:

Step-1: Determine the root cause of the black lines. There are two kinds of black lines, as stated below:

1) The black line is akin to a dark lane. In the dark lane, the color of the picture is normal but only the brightness is much lower. For this kind of black lines, the problem could stem from the failed CCFL. please go to Step-3;

2) The black line is akin to a really black lane, it cannot show pixels of other colors, so the line is always black. This kind of problem may stem from the A/D Board, the LVDS cable or the LCD Panel. If this is the case, please go to Step-2;

Step-2: please change the A/D Board and the LVDS cable of the touch monitor to see whether the problem still persists. If it does, the problem most likely stems from a fault in the LCD Panel.

Step-3: Change the LCD Panel

Q6How to deail with Fail Lamps

please change the A/D Board and the LVDS cable of the touch monitor to see whether the problem still persists. If it does, the problem probably stems from the LCD Panel.

Step-1: Please change the A/D Board and the LVDS cable of the touch monitor to see whether the problem still persists. If it does, the problem probably stems from the LCD Panel.

Step-2:Change the LCD Panel

Q7How to deal with Black screen

Firstly, we need to check the status of the LED on the OSD board. There are three different kinds of status, as stated below:

1) If the LED is green, it indicates that there is a VGA or DVI signal, and that the A/D board is OK. The problem would therefore lie with one of the Inverter Board, the LVDS cable or the LCD Panel. In this situation, please follow the below instructions:

Step-1: Please change the Inverter Board of the touchmonitor to see whether the problem still persists. If it does, please go toStep-2;

Step-2:please change the LVDS cable to see whether the problem still persists. If it does, the problem probably stems from the LCD Panel.

Step-3: Change the LCD Panel.

2) An orange or red LED indicates that there is no video input signal. The problem may lie with either the VGA or the DVI connection. Please try to turn the touchmonitor off and on via the OSD key to see whether the problem still persists.. Using an alternate VGA or DVI cable will be helpful too.

3) If the LED is dim, it indicates either that the power supply of the A/D board is off, or that the A/D Board has failed. Please try to turn the touchmonitor on and off via the OSD key to see whether the problem still persists. If it does, please change to another A/D board.

Another solution is to check whether there is either a General Touch logo or “No Signal" is shown when restarting the touch monitor. If the General Touch logo is not shown, the A/D board may be defective. If No Signal is shown, there is likely to be a failure with either the VGA or the DVI connections.