

Industrial Medical & Healthcare Retail/Payments systems Automotive Industry Digital Signage Special Applications

Medical & Healthcare

In medical and healthcare market, touch screen can help healthcare professionals to release from mouse and keyboard restrain, but touch solutions are expected to work fast, readily, stably, correctly and reliably in emergency rooms, clinics, nursing rooms, medical wards, doctor office, patient self-checking systems etc.. Through technologies like big data, the Cloud and the IoT (Internet of Things), healthcare can be extended from hospitals to pharmacies, community care and even home care. 

SPE medical and healthcare products can provide healthcare professionals and patients with high quality and reliably solutions in any kind of working environment.




Challenges for PCAP Touchscreens in Medical field:

Blood/salty water/gel

Any conductive substance that comes into contact with the touch surface has a chance of registering as a touch signal.  Fluids and gels are the most common substances to accidentally contaminate the touchscreen and trigger unwanted touch events. The PCAP touch solution must be able to differentiate and filter these events.

Gloves/Thick gloves/surgical gloves

Medical personnel will wear one or more layers of gloves.  The PCAP touch solution must be able to sense a finger signal through this intervening insulation.

Complexity working environment(EMI)

Medical devices will frequently share a space with other machines and sources of electromagnetic radiation. The PCAP touch solution must be able to filter this interference from actual touch signals.